
Q: How do I post collateral?

A: SakePerp.fi is running on BSC mainnet. All margin is posted in BUSD in your wallet.

Q: Why can't I open a new position after closing one?

A: There is a 5-minute interval to avoid front-running.

Q: Why does my leverage change?

A: The unrealized profit will be counted in the net position which means less leverage.

Q: How can I set my take profit and stop loss alert?

A: Users can set the take profit and stop loss alert on SakePerp.fi. Since SakePerp is powered by vAMM+Oracle price discovery mechanism, the order book is not supported.

Q: Why can't I remove my margin?

A: If your margin rate is below the initial margin rate, you can’t remove margin anymore. The initial margin rate is 10% for a 10x trading pair.

Q: What are the fees charged by SakePerp.fi when trading?

A: Refer to the in-system charge.

Market Makers

Q: What’s the incentive to provide liquidity?

A: The liquidity providers are called Market Makers (MMs) in the SakePerp system.

  • Earn 50% transaction fees of SakePerp

  • System funding fees

  • Farm extra SAKE with the MM pool LP tokens

Q: What is the max retracement?

A: The max loss of the whole pool is 20%. Since each MM joined the pool at different times, MMs’ max loss can be different.

Q: Why does the price of the MM LP token change?


The Total Value of the LP pool consists of the liquidity added by the user + a share of the handling fee + a share of the funding fee (which may be negative) + a share of the overnight fee.

Q: What’s the max loss for MM?

A: The max loss of the MM pool is 20%. The max loss for each MM may be different, because every MM has a different entry point.

Last updated