How to start trading?

  1. Visit website

  2. Connect to MetaMask and switch to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network

3. Choose the BNB/BUSD trading pair as an example

4. Take a long or short position with max 15x leverage

5. Confirm and transfer BNB as gas fee through MetaMask

6. Check your position info in “My Position” including the position size, leverage, Margin ratio, PNL and etc, and the available actions contain: “Share your PNL”,”Add alert”, “update Margin” and “Close position”.

7. Share your PNL: a sharing pic will be automatically generated

8. Add alert: email notification will be sent when the position PNL meets profit and loss setting.

9. Add/Remove Margin

Add Margin to enlarge the position margin ratio to avoid force liquidation, the force liquidation margin ratio is 3%.

Remove Margin to take margin back to account balance, the remaining margin ratio must be bigger than the initial margin ratio(6.67%).

10. Close positioin

Click “MAX” button will close the whole position, the fees are deducted from margin and PNL, the remaining amount will be back to your wallet account.

Manually input position size to partially close the position, if partially close position, the PNL will be settled and stay in margin, the fees need to be paid by wallet balance which means the wallet balance has to be able to cover the fees when proceeding to a partially close position.

Last updated